Could Alexandra DAVID-NEEL’s words describe the challenge of containment?
For those who do not know the explorer mentioned, I recommend her books, fascinating travel stories, adventure novels, essays on Asian cultures and Buddhism.
And by the way, here is her wikipedia page: Alexandra_David-Néel
I had used his words to talk about this Samurai, sketched after a visit to the Guimet Museum in 2017. Last summer I finished this representation in gala armour and zazen, a form of seated meditation linked to Japanese Buddhism. I liked to invent a warrior who would exercise his mental strength in this way.
Since mid-March, I have often sat beside him.
The exhibitions planned for spring have been cancelled (notably the European Craft Days in Aubagne), this summer’s one is on hold (the two months at the Grouchy gallery in Osny) and my workshops have been postponed…
Thanks to those who ordered me, as soon as I finish the works, I will launch a cyano-boutique on the internet. The computer and banking structure is almost in place, I work on the catalogue, and all advice is welcome.
After May 11th, I will publish the Confinorama here,
a black and white visual for each day of the confinement.
I did this on instagram, a rather spontaneous creative exercise.