Autumn 2020
Idle + at work
In this strange year, the rules of the game are changing.
Artistic activities are at half-mast,
more exhibitions, more public, more training courses, few sales…
The cultural sector is damaged, but at least these confinements offer us time, long hours that the health or education sectors envy us.
For cyanography, the first confinement was used to renovate the website and Azul Loeve launched into a Confinorama, a daily black and white image… of photos, drawings, visual research or a simple souvenir of the day.
New pace, trotting
The sports world is also well impacted, impossible to take part in an official marathon… putting on your trainers is always possible, moving forward, and the second confinement is also favourable to digital activities, this new version of the site is in the process of being running-in and will be able to support a shop, payments… one day, next year… Catalogue of works in progress, the cyanographies are proving to be rather timid.
Other news, a second Confinorama is in progress on the Instagram Azul.Loeve and Facebook accounts Cyanography, and most of the exhibitions cancelled in 2020 will take place next year, a comforting postponement.