2022 | Sweetnesses of the last trimester
The summer was full of small events, short exhibitions and the reorganization of La Chambre Bleue, which can now produce large formats.
The new year in cyanography is studious with many applications… Few sure tracks for big exhibitions like those that were cancelled for the last two years, the art world remains cautious, but cyanographies will go back to Japan, and so will I.
So the month of October will launch the season of the workshop, the blue magic is reactivated, some orders to honor for the end of the year and ideas to implement.
In November and December my cyanographs will be exhibited and sold in several places where the Bleu Nomade workshop regularly camps:
in Paris,
in Provence, Marseille and Roquefort La Bédoule,
in Brittany, in Arradon, in the Morbihan where I also work since this summer.
+ More info in the coming weeks
DEPLI Cyanography by Azul LOEVE
65×50 cm | 2015 | Cyanotype ink on handmade paper
Avril 2022 | Salon des Metiers d’art à Aubagne
Within the framework of the European Days of the Trades of Art of 2022 a collective exposure joins together near Marseilles of the craftsmen and artists under the topic “our hands at the unison”
Azul Loeve will be present at the Salon des Métiers d’art d’Aubagne with her cyanographies… and workshops of initiation, realization of a photosensitive print in blue and white… The Cyano-Labo will take place on Saturday and Sunday, reservation recommended, more info on the page JEMA 2022
The Chamber of Trades and Crafts of PACA organizes this event at the Espace des Libertés in Aubagne, from Friday, April 1 to Sunday, April 3, from 10am to 6pm.